Here are the precautions we are taking during this pandemic:
Welcome back! Re-opening the church for worship has been quite a process. The main goal of our time together is to praise God while implementing safety protocols meant to keep us as safe as possible. Church will look different for a while. Here are some things to note:
· We will be practicing social distancing while inside and outside the building. Ushers will help you find a space to sit. Please remain where they put you for everyone’s safety.
· Masks must be worn inside the building at all times.
· We will NOT be singing when we are in worship. The act of singing can push COVID virus particles through most masks. We will be playing some pre-recorded music and displaying the words on the projector. Please refrain from singing but feel free to meditate on this music however you like.
· Offerings will be collected at the baskets on the table outside the Sanctuary’s main entrance. Please place them in before of after the service
· Please exit the building at the conclusion of the service. We will not be having a time of fellowship. Food and coffee will not be served. You may visit using social distancing guidelines in the parking lot outside after the service.
· Please stay in the designated areas of the church. Because we are sharing the space with our Burmese friends, we have designated one side of the building for them and one for us. The office will be restricted to those who need to use it for official business. Please respect the signs that request you stay in our designated areas. We will be using:
o The Sanctuary
o The bathrooms next to the Pastor’s office
o The entrance and parking lot by the main office
o The lobby area.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we re-enter into our worship space together. Let’s pray for continued health and safety.