Please join us in person for worship every Sunday at 10:30am.
We also stream our worship services on Facebook, just click the link above to join our page!
Welcome back! It has been a long journey through the past few years. Though things are still a bit different, the main goal of our time together is to praise God while implementing safety protocols meant to keep us as safe as possible. Here are some things to note:
· Masks are optional to be worn. Please do not hesitate to wear a mask if you feel you must do so to protect either yourself or others. Please continue to practice due diligence if you are COVID positive and stay home if you are unwell.
· Offerings will be collected at the end of the service at the Sanctuary’s main entrance. Please place them in baskets as you exit service.
· We are now singing and celebrating in service. Please feel free to join us in joyous worship if you can!
· We now have a time of fellowship after service. Please feel free to join us for coffee and snacks after service. We sometimes have larger events as well!
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we re-enter into our worship space together. Let’s pray for continued health and safety.
We, as the congregation of First Presbyterian Church of Worcester, want to share this statement in response to the racial division and tension in this country:
First Presbyterian Church of Worcester is a house of God, where we value love, faith, and equality for everyone. We celebrate the diversity of our congregation. The recent killing of George Floyd has shown disparities in the nation, where not everyone is subject to those values. Racism is a man-made disease that needs to be eradicated in all of its forms. We must break the cycles of hate that exist and prey on people of color today. In these difficult times, we must all come together, regardless of religion, political party, race, or any other identity, to take a stand and combat the issues that disproportionately affect black people.
Mark 12:31 states the greatest commandment: “Love your neighbor as yourself”. We must come together in these challenging times and advocate for this exact cause. In this modern world, Christians must actively be examples of the love that God desired for all of His creation. Acceptance is ingrained in our religion and we have a duty to spread love to our fellow brothers and sisters. We encourage everyone in a time like this to reflect deeply within themselves and find ways to be a part of the change. We must do better.
First Presbyterian Church of Worcester
As a church of Jesus Christ, we want to help people experience the love of God by welcoming all, worshiping as one family, growing in faith and Christian service, as witnesses to the glory of God.
Happy New Year!
Please join us in the New Year for fellowship and worship.
A note from our clerk:
Dear Members,
One of my responsibilities as Clerk of Session is to submit a statistical report to the Presbytery of Boston at the beginning of each year. Until this point, I have represented you to the best of my ability, but now it’s time for you to be identified how you chose. I’d also like to take this opportunity to make sure your contact information is up to date. This information will not be seen by anyone but me. The Presbytery is only interested in the overall results, e.g. our membership is 65% female, 70% Black/African American/African, 25% over the age of 70, etc.
Please fill out this Google form (https://forms.gle/u6WNJeeWGWMd4mGr6) at your earliest convenience. If you have already filled out a paper form or accessed it via the QR code, you are all set!
Lindsay Goetz
Clerk of Session
The Presbyterian denomination is a form of Christianity democratically organized to embrace the faith common to all Christians. Presbyterians confess the Christian faith, trust in Christ as our forgiving savior, promise to follow Christ and Christ's example for living, and commit oneself to attend church and to become involved in its work. Learn more about the Presbyterian Church